Find the Best Banner Advertising Rates

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Find the Best Banner Advertising Rates

If you’re considering an online advertising campaign for your business, you’ll obviously want to find the best banner advertising rates.

It’s important your campaign is having the most effect for your money, so keep in mind that banner advertising is not always about the cheapest cost, but the most effective for your money.

Let’s look at some things you should consider when searching for the best banner advertising rates.

Target Audience

When creating your marketing campaign you should consider who will be viewing your banner advertisement. If your business is selling digital cameras, you really don’t need your banner blasted on sites where visitors are searching for garden tools.

The company you choose for your banner advertising needs must be able to demonstrate that they’ll be showing your banner to a relevant audience.

Banner Types

Be sure you have control over how your banner looks and what your ad says. Many ad companies may try to take control over your campaign and dictate how your concept should look. They do know what works and what doesn’t but you don’t have to agree if you don’t want to. Stay firm and maintain control over your own advertising campaign. You know how you want visitors to view your company.

Design Your Ad

Bright flashing ads no longer make people click. In fact, they tend to annoy many visitors. Make your banner appealing and inviting. Your ad should make people want to know more about what you’re offering.

If your ad looks great but offers no real reason for people to click over to see what you’re offering then there’s almost no point. It’s up to you what you offer your customers, but be sure your ad is enticing.


Will your ads be shown as part of a banner rotation or included in an RSS feed? Will they be shown with audio included for effect or just a simple animated GIF banner?

The total banner display should be professional and enticing to a potential customer.

Tracking Systems

To get the most out of your banner advertising campaign you’ll want a company that offers a way to check your statistics. Your click through rate and your sales conversion rates are important tracking items.

While your banner ad campaign is running, you’ll also want access to analytical data about your visitors. For example, your banner might be displayed on 10 different websites. You will need to know which sites are effective and why they’re working when others aren’t.


Will you be able to choose the placement of your banner on the sites you’ll be advertising on? Placement of a banner can make a huge difference as to how a visitor will see it and respond.

Obviously putting your banner on the bottom of a web page won’t be seen as prominently as a banner near the top or among the text.


Even though you’re searching for the best banner advertising rates, the pricing is not as important as the effect of the whole campaign management. After all, if you opt for the cheapest possible option but don’t attract any visitors at all, you’re throwing money down the drain.

The best banner advertising rates come from the company offering the most value for your money.