Secrets of Successful Banner Ads

Posted Posted in Banner Design     

When developing banner ads for display on other websites, there are several things you can do to increase your return on investment.  Below you’ll find powerful tricks for making your ads stand out from the crowd.

Secret #1: Good banner ads have great design.

The design of your banner ad is essential to its success.  Obnoxious colors, sound effects, and animation can be irritating to a website’s visitors.  While the purpose of a banner ad is to get attention, the ad should not annoy users in the process.  Avoid flashing text, excessive sound effects, or offensive statements.  Make your design attractive, eye appealing and memorable for best results.  To further your branding efforts, it’s always a good idea to incorporate your company colors into the design.

Secret #2: Humor gets results.

Some of the most successful banner ads incorporate funny or humorous elements to get visitor’s attention.  Using silly images, funny statements, or unusual claims can go a long way in getting more clicks for your ad.  Again, be careful not to cross the line in your attempts at humor or risk alienating potential customers.

Secret #3: Copy should be concise.

Your banner ad is not designed to sell your product or service, but rather to entice the visitor to click and learn more.  Do not bog down your ad with too many details or visitors won’t even read what you have to say.  Choose a simple message that generates interest, and let the design do the rest of the work.  You can make your sales pitch when the visitor actually lands on your page.