The Return of the Undead Ads

Posted Posted in Banner Advertising, Blog, Premium     

See how the Coca Cola Conversations microsite helps focus of Coke collectibles.

Static Banners – Not a Static Existence

Static banners have always been the fall-back couch of internet marketers and over time, have been the foundations of other interactive campaigns. Banners have been used to generate clicks, let consumers enter into contests, promote products from particular brands, and give leads. With multiple ups and downs over their course of journey, and with the superior performance and increased usability given by rich media ads, banner ads still remain a strong format in the world of online marketing. What lends credibility to this fact is that according to the Ponemon Institute’s 2004 Survey on Internet Ads , 66 percent of respondents said they would find relevant banner ads less annoying, and 52 percent would be more likely to respond to a relevant banner.

Banner ads are cost-effective, and easy to create. This means that a simple online tutorial can make anyone create a banner ad in a few hours. The ease implies that banner ads are budget-friendly and you can therefore use them as many times as you want on different websites to generate leads. What makes banner ads such a great way to advertise is how well they fit placement opportunities. On sites that are content-rich anyway, having a discreet banner ad can be most effective because, unlike rich media, they do not scream for attention, but can entice the viewer with subtle information. Also, banner ads do not detract the viewer from the site’s original content, and that explains the Ponemon survey’s result.

Text Links – When Subtlety is the Word

Text links are the cheapest form of web marketing, and in spite of criticisms, they continue being the fundamental fiber of digital advertising. These are simply click-able texts in a website that link to other websites and when used wisely, they can work well within the boundaries set by search engines to increase your website’s page rank, search engine rankings and therefore, traffic.  Optimization of your website is facilitated by the ability to view the common words in anchor texts linking to your site, and with multiple back links to your website, it is easy to see why traffic will multiply.

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