Getting Banner Traffic – Get Sites to Run Ads For Free

Posted Posted in Banner Advertising     

When it comes to getting a lot of visitors from banner advertising in the market that you are working in you have to realize that if you know what you are doing you can get a lot of visitors to your site for free! In this article I want to show you exactly how you can make this happen right away.

The Problem With Banner Advertising…

When you are starting out with this source in niche markets online you are going to find that you can probably get a lot of sites to run your ads if you pay them for the ad spots. That is fine and you are likely going to make money from those ads if you have your sales system setup the right way.

But what you have to realize is that eventually you are going to run out of sites to use to get you more visitors. So at that point you are going to want to make sure you start getting sites to become your affiliate and run banners for you in exchange for a percentage of the income the traffic that they send you generates for you.

You need to realize that getting sites to do this is a great way to add massive amounts of visitors to your site and you can make a massive amount of money doing this. Affiliate marketing is a massive industry and there are going to be a lot of people in the market that you are in right now who are looking for sites just like yours to do this with.

Here Is How You Can Get Site Owners To Run Your Ads For Free And Send You Traffic…

First – You have to make sure you are focused on contacting site owners to see if they would be interested in doing this with you.

You need to realize that very few people ever do this in niche markets so when someone does, you are probably going to get a good response from the site owner that you are trying to target.

Second – Make sure you focus on giving them a great offer that is worth their time.

You are going to want to make sure you offer to give them a great commission rate for promoting your product. You have to realize that the more money you give them, the more likely they will be to promote your product for you.

You can make up the lost income on backend sales! The main thing is that you get a customer and you don’t have to pay for that customer until they buy from you! At that point you send the site owner a commission payment.