The Right Placement for Banner Ads Online

Posted Posted in Banner Design     

Banner advertising in websites is a great way to promote products and services that are also relevant to a content of a particular sales page. If banner ads are used properly, it can be profitable for your business.

Generally in life, being in the right place at the right time will give you a lot of opportunities. The same applies with banner advertising. If you have  ad placements that are just right, it will absolutely be beneficial for your business. One should be careful when it comes to the placement of ads online so that you will not end up wasting time and money when you ought to be making profits for your business.

So what is the best placement for banners you ask? To have effective and productive banner ads, you must concentrate on getting your banner ads put up in places that will definitely get you and your business somewhere. There is really a huge difference in success when it comes to where banners are placed.

The most effective banner ad placement according to researchers should be near the right scroll bar located at the right hand corner of your screen. This placement is said to get you a higher click-through rate compared to ads that are seen and located at the top of a certain page. Another productive banner ad placement is approximately one-thirds down a particular page as it will also give your ad a better click-through result.

The reason why having right placements for banner ads on a sales page has to be done is for a particular ad to be able to stand out from the rest of the contents of the website. This will allow the visitors of the website to click on them especially if they are attractive enough to stir their curiosity. If you have an extremely eye-catching banner ad, which is placed in just the right location, then you will be guaranteed maximum profits and results from it.

So you can see now that the real key to being successful in banner advertising is knowing and understanding what the effective methods are as well as keeping track of what works for you that will ultimately give you the results you seek.