Branding With Banner Ads

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Branding With Banner Ads

Every marketer likes branding of his business. In case of banner advertising, your business brand should be promoted by the banner ads. You can even begin branding of your site by banner advertising.

Branding your business is a good idea to make your customer to remember your business type. When you are doing banner advertising, customer should have the idea about the type of business you have.

Know your target audience: While you have put a banner ad in front of your online visitors, there must be something going on in your mind for designing such a banner. Every banner is designed thinking about the target audience. A game site’s banner ads won’t be placed on a health-care site. A banner ad for jewelery site must not be placed for the visitors on an NGO site.  First you decide whether visitors of a particular site are suitable business for your business products or service and then place your banner ads there.

Know your brand: Can a person identify your brand? Is there a logo for your brand and can it be shown in the banner? Can there be a punch that can be used in the banner ad? Try to know customer’s feedback how they feel associated with your brand. Accumulate all the points from customer’s feedback that may be helpful to build your brand and apply the newly learned concepts in your business banner ad.

Animation: The content and graphics of your banner can be put more if you use animated banners. If you want to tell more about your business, company or product name, brand or service type, use GIF or Flash banners to make a perfect sales presentation.

Repeated exposure: If your banner ads are shown for a few weeks, then viewers may probably see it more than one time and feel mental association with your brand. Also, repeated views generate more click-through rates to your business website building your brand.

Before launching a banner it is very important to test the banner in front of a group of net users. Even you can act as one of the visitors. See the banner ad on a sample webpage and judge if you can associate yourself with the ad. Can you feel the brand association from the banner advertising? If you and other marketers feel the association with the brand in testing phase, then your banner ad has the possibility for successful brand image building.